2011년 12월 18일 일요일

Letter To Yamada San

I am very sorry! My flight to Korea was right after class on Friday. I just got back home and posted this.
Thank you!


はじめまして。コーです。どうぞよろしく。私はプリンストン大学の四年生です。せんこうはせいじ学です。 私はニュースをみるのが好きです。でも、しんぶんをよむのはあまりすきじゃありません。プリンストン大学のじゅきょうはむずかしいですが、あもしろいです。きのう、せいじ学の がありました。





2011년 12월 3일 토요일

Reflection Statement for Cycle 2 and Goal Statement

To prepare myself for the Chapter test, I have listened and shadowed to dialogues in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. I should have put in more time to shadow other listening exercises such as the dialogues in "Let's Speak Japanese." For my second goal of shadowing, which was recording "Yuki no hana," I will post my recording on my blog shortly. I had a hard time translating a lot of Kanji characters in the lyrics. Hopefully, later on, I will be able to read Kanji characters more smoothly.

Goal Statement for Cycle 3:

As done from the previous cycles, I will shadow the textbook dialogues twice or three times a week. And this time, I will shadow the extra shadowing exercises from "Let's speak Japanese." And at this time, I will challenge myself at Japanese Rap. I will post up my recording of Japanese hip-hop group's song: M-Flo's "Let Go (feat. Yoshika)"

I will focus particularly on pitch and intonation for shadowing exercises. And for the song, I will learn key Japanese phrases related to... love.

Everybody, good luck with the third cycle!!

2011년 11월 8일 화요일


Now it's time to start the second cycle! 


Having done Kyu Sakamoto's song, I learned the importance of pitch, intonation and pronounciation. Rather than shadowing songs, this time I will shadow all the dialogues in the textbook. (I believe for every chapter there is one dialogue). This should help me master fluency and achieve correct pitch and intonation. Secondly, since I cannot give up my passion for karaoke, I will try to practice another song. This time the song will be a little harder than Kyu Sakamoto's. (Drumroll....please.....) Nakashima Mika's "Yuki no hana" (雪の花). Literally, this means snow flower.


First, I will go to individual sessions every week to practice with my instructor. In this second half of the semester, I believe I will go to Sato sensee's session (こんにちは、せんせい!!) Second, as Shibata sensee posts dialogues to shadow, I will do my shadowing sessions every week and post my shadowings promptly on blackboard for feedback. Third, by the end of the second cycle, I will post my voice recording for "Yuki no hana" (雪の花). I am not a singer but a dancer. Dancing will be shown later in the semester as we do our live broadcast. 


2011년 11월 7일 월요일

Shuffle Dance: あまりむすかしくありません!



これはわたしのハローインのコスチューム。わたしはローマ帝国のゼネラル。ハローインにニューヨークにいきました。そして、りっぱなレストランでばんごはんをたべました。レストランのなまえは Peter Lugarです。とてもおいしいです、でもとてもたかいです!ぼくはあまりたかいレストランでたべます、でもハローインはわたしのともだちの誕生日でした。ごごくじはんにいーざかやにいきました。いーざかやのなまえはYakitori Taishoです。 Yakitori Taishoはゆうめいないーざかやです。いーざかやでともだちとさけをたくさんのみました。ビールをのみませんでした。よく Yakitori TaishoでSapporoビールをのみます。ごごじゅういちじごろクラブいきました。とてもたのしいでした!ごぜんよじごろともだちのうちにかえりました。ハローインを愛している!

2011년 10월 28일 금요일

Reflection Statement

My reflection for cycle 1:

I spent most of my time on practicing Kyu Sakamoto's song "うえをむいてあるこう." This song was とてもたいへんでした。 I wish I had more time to practice extra shadowings that Shibata sensee posted. I posted my version onto the voice board. In terms of oral exam, I was thrown off by a couple of questions. (さんねんです!!)I believe the hardest part was distinguishing between an event and an object:

For example,

1) フリストホールでパーテがあります。
2)   フリストホールにきっさてんがあります。


I need to practice particles more often.....

Everybody, have a fun fall break!!

2011년 10월 24일 월요일



2011년 10월 18일 화요일

Last Weekend's Avicii Concert!!!

せんしゅうのしゅうもつわたしはろくじはんに「Aviciiの野外コンサートにいきました。ぼくはたいていコンサートにいきます。せんしゅうのしゅうまつわたしはごぜんくじにじゅうごふんにおきました。そして、あさごはんをたべませんでした。それから、としょかんでにほんごのしゅくだいをべんきょうしました。わたしはよくとしょかんでべんきょうします。でも、あまりがくせいかいかんでべんきょうしません。わたしはじゅうにじにじゅっぶんにフリストホールでひるごはんをたべました。そして、ごごろくじはんごろにわたしは[Avicii]コンサートにいきました。ばんごはんをたべませんでした。わたしのともだちもばんごはんをたべませんでした。まいにちぼくは「ハウスミュージク」(House Music)をききます。じゅうにじごろにわたしはうちにかえりました。それわ、シャワーをあびました。それから、いちじはんになました。きょうわたしはAviciiのミュージクをききます。AVICII!! AVICII!!

2011년 10월 4일 화요일

Goal Statement

Goal Statement:

My Goal:
In this cycle, I want to be able to read Hiragana as quickly as possible, and improve listening skills in Japanese.

I believe I learn fastest from listening to music. Therefore, I will try to shadow the Japanese song sung by Kyu Sakamoto. Three times a week, I will shadow sections of his song. Hopefully, by the end of this cycle, I will be able to sing this song without much hesitation.

2011년 10월 3일 월요일

The Legend: X-Japan - Endless [The Last Live]

One of the best live performances EVER! A lot of people try this song in karaoke and fail miserably. X-Japan forever!

2011년 9월 27일 화요일

We can't forget the cartoon Bleach: Yui - Rolling Star (Sept. 28, 2011)

Yui's voice just makes this song so much more fun to listen to; not to mention, Bleach is one of my favorite Japanese cartoons.

Of course, the one and only Steve Aoki: No Beef (Sept. 27. 2011)

Probably, he is one of the most popular Japanese DJs. I went to his concert last year; it was epic!

2011년 9월 26일 월요일

Jazztronik: Searching for Love (Sep.26.2011)

Very upbeat music. Good music to listen to while you are studying. Enjoy!

M-Flo: Miss you

When will I be able to understand their rap and sing in karaoke? Haha. Looking forward to that day.

2011년 9월 25일 일요일

2011년 9월 23일 금요일



2011년 9월 20일 화요일

Here is a video clip of Ichigeki Crew Dancing


Why Study Japanese?

I have three reasons why I am interested in にほんご.

1) I love Japanese music. I first became interested in Japanese music when I started breakdancing in college. My favorite Japanese artists include: M-Flo, Utada Hikaru, Jazztronik. My favorite Japanese bboy team is Ichigeki, who won Battle of the Year.
2) As a politics major at Princeton, I was surprised by the courage and resilience the Japanese population demonstrated after the Daiichi Plant Disaster. As a result, I wanted to learn more about Japan.
3) For my thesis, I plan to write on either of these two topics, both of which will use Japan as a case study. The first topic deals with the Plaza Accord, which strengthened the price of yen compared to US dollars. The second topic deals with economic stagnation in Japan in the 1990s.

Let's have a fantastic semester!!!

はじめまして。Ko です.どうぞよろしく。こんばんは。